How To Choose The Right Certified NLP Practitioner Training In Malaysia

Biasness Alert: I am a Certified NLP Trainer, and I wrote the article. But I still hope that you enjoy it and I see you in our Certified NLP Practitioner Training in Malaysia :)


The demand for good NLP in Malaysia has grown over the past few years. This was different, way back in 2003, when I began studying NLP.

When I introduced myself to people as NLP Trainer or NLP Practitioner, people would look at me and ask: You do what? NLP? What is NLP? I don’t know what is NLP?

NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. As such, some people asked has NLP anything to do with computer programming. It was kind of frustrating for me, and I explained over and over again, what NLP is.

So now, I am happy that people know NLP, at least many of them.

This means that many of our potential participants are not only aware of Asia Mind Dynamics but of course, other companies as well.

And many of them are confused because the courses offered by NLP Training companies are not harmonised. They are not streamlined in their offering.

And if you look at the curriculum, you might even realise that some offer the same course in 4, 5, 7 or 10 days – Asia Mind Dynamics’ NLP Training Courses are longer – 10 days as the minimum.

So since this can be confusing, allow me, as the founder of Asia Mind Dynamics, to share with you a few pointers for you to look out for when you choose a Certified NLP Training in Malaysia or Asia.

Why do I do this?

Because it is important to you. It is your money, your investment, and your time.

  1. The Content of the NLP Training And How Your NLP Training Is Run

If you go around and compare the different NLP skills and NLP techniques taught in different companies, you realise that there are similarities. Especially in the Certified NLP Practitioner Courses. But please realise as well that NLP has different boards that supervise the quality of the training. And not all boards are the same. Some only require you to study 40 or 50 hours, some go as high as 120 or 130 hours (ours is longer – see below).

This already indicates some differences in the quality of a course, and a shortened course has nothing to do with being updated or appropriate for your students. Aside from this, wouldn’t you consider the exposure to the Certified NLP trainer as important? How many hours of contact time do you actually have?

Your training in Asia Mind Dynamics is run by 2 Certified NLP Trainers. I, Andreas, have been personally trained by Tad James and Adriana James, both of who heads the American Board of NLP. Najwa, my wife, and partner has been trained by Robert Dilts in the US, who heads NLP U or the NLP University. Aside from this, we have been traveling around the world to get the best NLP- and Hypnosis training from other trainers as well, and we have incorporated some of their teachings into our NLP training. Because we simply believe that you deserve the best. Why do I say this? Because our students are the best. They created results that go beyond any imagination, during, and after the training. I could talk for hours about their successes – ask me, when we meet. More importantly, it would be great, if you can be added to our long list of successful NLP Students.

NLP-create your life

NLP-create your life

  1. The NLP Training Hours Itself

I am biased, of course. But I am proud that our Certified NLP training is 10 days. First of all, when NLP started up, NLP training courses were 20-30 days of length. Even nowadays, and in certain parts of the world, NLP is still being training at 16 days. We in Asia Mind Dynamics believe that it is important for you to get the skills of NLP into your muscle memory. That you do know your NLP.

And as such, you will not only train 40 hours, or 60 hours. We even exceed the level of hours set by the American Board of NLP, your certifying body. We believe that in our NLP training, you learn NLP for at least 180-200 hours, spread across the 3 weeks. Do you believe that you deserve that much learning for your investment and time? We believe that you do!!

  1. The Format Of The Training

Now, how NLP Training is structured is very subjective. We in Asia Mind Dynamics believe that our structure of 3 modules, with 4 days – 3 days – 3 days. This means that you are not only participating in the 10 days of training. But you have a break between the modules. During the break, you are going to practice and apply your learned NLP Skills and realise how powerful NLP really is.

  1. The Number Of Participants

We in Asia Mind Dynamics believe that the more people are in the training room, the less exposure to the overall training will you have. It is as simple as that. There is a difference, if you are in a group of 8, 10, 16, 20 or 30 or even more participants. I understand that the atmosphere and energy is different in smaller groups, but anything beyond a 16 participant training is more motivational than transformational. This means, that you feel good during the training, but that this evaporates quickly after the session is finished.

  1. The Certification

Maybe you are not that interested in getting certified, but you are more concerned about your personal transformation. We get that. Still, we have to talk about your certification. With Asia Mind Dynamics, you get two certifications.

  • The NLP Practitioner Certification (ABNLP)
  • The Timeline Therapy® Practitioner Certification (ITA)

I know that some believe that Timeline has nothing to do with NLP. But I say that it has everything to do with the mind, your beliefs, your emotions and your life.  To me, Timeline Therapy is Advanced NLP and I use it in my coaching sessions all the time.  Timeline Therapy works with negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, hurt and guilt, and limiting beliefs such as I am not good enough, I can’t earn the kind of money I want and more. And it removes those from the root cause, which is deeply embedded in your mind. And as such, it really is an important part of NLP and any NLP training, if you decide to transform your life.

  1. The company and the NLP Trainers

Well, maybe a word of me and Najwa, even so, there is a lot about us on this website already. But both of us are very relationship-oriented and everything we have achieved was achieved through NLP, Timeline Therapy, Hypnosis, and other tools of the mind. We want you to succeed and we want you to experience our training to the fullest.  To help you breakthrough, we are trainers and master trainers of these tools, and all in all, we most likely spend over 10,000 hours in classrooms with global trainers and bring these tools back to Malaysia. Our training is fun. You will laugh a lot. But the training is about you. As such, it is intensive, and designed to get you unstuck from your current situation and to the next level in your life, whatever that is.

  1. The Service Before and After the Training

Your training starts, the moment you sign up. You receive your manual, your assignments, and you are put into an online membership site for you to get prepared for the training. We know that all these points help to kickstart you into our training, so you hit the road running, once your NLP training starts. And we don’t finish after the training. You will be able to interact with other participants in our secret Facebook group. In fact, we highly encourage this. You will also be able to refresh your learning for free for life, which means, you can come back to the training, whenever you want. As long as you succeeded the first time around, you are welcome. And we simply know that because of our methodology and our style, you will succeed and you will be able to transform your life to create your life the way you want to experience it.


So why don’t you contact us? Send me an email to and we take it from there. Because being proactive is the first step to change. I look forward to connecting with you soon.