Fear, Phobias And Panic
Overcoming Fear, Phobias and Panic
A life with fear, phobias and panic attacks can be debilitating. Asia Mind Dynamics and experience in NLP, Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis, and Timeline Therapy® Techniques makes it possible for you to find your way back to a “normal” life. Our approach is gentle, respectful and personal.
In 2013, Asia Mind Dynamics live on TV (NTV 7) removed a phobia from a participant in a short period of time. As it was possible for her, it is possible for you!
Contact us now by sending an email to andreas.dorn@gmail.com for your initial conversation.
Allow me to share a story of what can initiate a phobia:
September 11 2001. Two planes were crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center. In 2014, Malaysia lost three passenger planes through accidents.
The pictures and the commentary were shown for days. The whole world changed as the events of this day were imprinted into our unconscious mind.
In the weeks and days that followed, many people around the world feared entering a plane. We all know how our behaviours and actions changed thereafter. If I were to ask you, what you did during the moments of this fateful day, I am sure you would be able to tell me pretty much the sequence of your activities.
Events such as this, or others, more “minor”, after the imprint, can direct and influence our activities.
Nobody likes to live in fear. Humans try to avoid situations that could cause fear, or only expose them to situation, where fear is manageable and they know that it is not dangerous – think rollercoaster or the horror movie.
It is a reaction of the unconscious mind that causes us to fear the exposure to a similar event. It is as if the unconscious mind begs us “Don’t go there, I am scared or horrified”.
Many people today live in fear, but they don’t need to. Fear, Phobias, and Anxiety are emotions that hold us back in creating the life we desire.
The sad part is that while we might attempt to consciously counter the fear, it is a hard task. It takes a lot of energy. And if we don’t succeed, we build our life around these negative emotions.
You don’t need to live in fear. It is possible to overcome anxiety and phobias. And it doesn’t take much.
In fact, your work with us on overcoming your negative emotions includes laughter and humour. What better way can you think of than laughing your fears away?