Najwa Dorn Rustum – Certified NLP Trainer and Master Coach

Certified NLP Trainer, accredited by the University of NLP (NLP U)

Certified NLP Trainer, accredited by the University of NLP (NLP U)

Certified NLP Master Coach, accredited by the Coaching Division of the American Board of NLP (ABNLP)

Certified Master Practitioner of Time Line Therapy®, accredited by the Time Line Therapy™ Association

Certified Master Practitioner of the “Words That Change Minds – Language and Behaviour Profile”

Certified Master Trainer of Hypnotherapy, recognised by the International Association of Counsellors and Therapists (IACT)

Certified Master Trainer of Hypnotherapy, recognised by the Certified Trainer of Hypnosis, as certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy (ABH), and the International Association of Counsellors and Therapists (IACT)

Certified Silva Mind Master Practitioner

Serenity Vibrational Healing Trainer and Level 4 Practitioner

Certified Trainer, HRDF – Malaysia
Najwa is the co-founder of Asia Mind Dynamics, cooperating with Andreas Dorn in NLP, Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy® Techniques Training and Coaching.
She has accumulated a vast experience in advanced mind management and energy work even before she started working in Asia Mind Dynamics. This involves studying Qi Gong, Yoga, Feng Shui, and Reiki before she ultimately focused on Hypnosis and NLP as the main tools for change.
Her clients appreciate the gentle manner in which she initiates deep changes in their areas of life. Najwa specializes in personal breakthrough sessions in which she utilizes her skills to guide clients into deep personal insights and unearthing of their own inner strength.
Najwa passionately believes that everybody is doing the best they can with the current resources available to them, and all that is needed for long lasting transformation is the ability of clients to discover their own inner power.
Success stories involve relationship coaching, and wealth creation coaching aside of coaching on elimination of negative emotions, such as stress, anger, fear and sadness.
Najwa has extensive experience of bridging cultural gaps, and aside of living in Singapore, she was involved in organizational work with the Malaysian embassy during the 3 years that she spent in Indonesia.